How to stay safe in the dormitory

In order to make University of Life Sciences a safer place for all students and employees, the rector enforced a new rule from November 16th 2020, which states that all employees and students are required to wear a mask while present in university buildings. By new orders, University of Life Sciences' buildings are closed in January 2021 (except for employees and for labwork) and all classes are held online. The dormitory, however, remains open so we ask that all students living here do their best to stay safe and keep others safe as well by following these precautions:

  • WEAR A MASK while you are in any public spaces of the building to protect yourself and others. Public spaces include corridors, offices, the lobby, laundry room, elevators, basement, bike storage etc - anywhere you see people who you don't share an apartment with. You will need to put a mask on before entering the accommodation manager's office. There is a special used mask bin in the lobby where you can throw used surgical masks if you use those. DO NOT THROW YOUR USED MASK ON THE GROUND!
  • KEEP 2 METERS DISTANCE FROM OTHERS even when you are wearing a mask. Try to avoid sharing elevators with strangers if possible. Wait for another elevator or take the stairs if you can.

    Please also remember this rule when talking with staff! If you report a problem in your apartment and the repairman comes, please also make sure to give him 2 m space for working and wear a mask when in the same room. The staff comes into contact with many people throughout the day so you will be protecting yourself as well as our staff

  • IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS about your rent contract or invoices that you want to ask the accommodation manager or the accountant, please SEND AN E-MAIL or CALL ON THE PHONE rather than come talk in person. This is so that we can avoid any unnecessary contact. We will reply to you as soon as possible. If you need to come to the office to sign a contract or do the room check, please wear a mask and come alone unless another person is needed. Please make an appointment through e-mail first if possible so we know when to expect you.
  • WASH YOUR HANDS regularly - after touching surfaces in common areas of the building (like the kitchen and bathroom of your apartment, corridor doors, elevator buttons etc). You will also find a HAND SANITIZER machine in the lobby which you can use when entering and exiting the dormitory. Hand sanitizer is a great addition to washing hands and can be used when water and soap are not available.
  • BECOME GOOD FRIENDS WITH YOUR CLEANING SUPPLIES - now it's more important than ever to keep your room and the rest of the apartment sparkling clean. Remember that you are cleaning for your own benefit so make sure to regularly desinfect and sanitize any surfaces that you and your flatmates touch - tables, door handles, toilet flush buttons, sink faucets etc. Open the windows occasionally to clear the air. Do not leave your trash bags in the dormitory corridors! We have trash cans outside of the building.

    The dormitory cleaning staff is also cleaning public areas more often than usually and desinfecting door handles throughout the day.

  • DO NOT INVITE GUESTS OVER - usually, only loud parties are not allowed in the dormitory, but during the pandemic, you are not allowed to have any gatherings and parties in the dormitory with people outside of your apartment until further notice. This way we will keep the amount of people who can spread the virus in the dormitory to a minimum. We will end the contract of anyone who knowingly breaks this rule.
  • WHEN YOU FEEL ILL - contact your family doctor even if you are not sure what kind of illness you have. Describe your symptoms to the doctor so they can make an informed decision on what you should do about it. Do this even if you don't think you have COVID. Estonian family doctors can reply to you by phone or e-mail.